Tues 3 - Weds 4 June 2025
Business Design Centre, London N1


The international
greeting card show

3-4 June 2025
Business Design Centre, London

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The UK's only exhibition
dedicated to the greeting card industry

PG Live is now firmly established in the greetings calendar. A focused, compact show,
it is the ideal place to source fresh product and find exciting new publishers and artists.

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About PG Live

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Exhibitor List

Who vists PG Live?

Greeting card buyers, international distributors, licensees and agents from all over the world flock to PG Live each year as they find theshow invaluable when making their product selections for the next 12 months.

Attracting major multiples and leading independents from the UK and overseas, PG Live has seen a substantial increase in numbers year-on-year, showing that its unique approach works well for both exhibitors and visitors.


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The UK's only exhibition
dedicated to the greeting card industry

Why exhibit PG Live?

The UK is widely recognised as the global leader in greeting card design and publishing, and PG Live is the only specialist greeting card trade exhibition in the world. It attracts greeting card buyers from over 40 countries around the globe, along with major UK retailers and leading independents - all making their buying selections for the next 12 months.

What to expect at PG Live?

PG Live is the greatest collection of greeting card publishers in the world, bringing the greeting card community together under one impressive roof for a relaxed, enjoyable two-day show.

The impressive exhibitor line-up - from major publishers and leading brands to boutique names and new designers - is matched by the friendly, supportive atmosphere, which is a key part of PG Live's appeal.